About Us
Western Plains Public Health (WPPH) is a five county local health district providing health services to the people of Grant, Mercer, Morton, Oliver, and Sioux Counties located in southwest central North Dakota. Public health services provided are environmental health, nursing services, health promotion and the WIC (women, infants, and children) program. Each of these programs provides a wide variety of services in order to accomplish the mission of public health, which is to assure that North Dakota is a healthy place to live and each person has an equal opportunity to good health. To accomplish this mission, WPPH is committed to ensuring a health community through promotion, protection and prevention for a healthier way of life.
WPPH serves a rural/frontier population (with the exception of Morton County which is classified as urban) of 49,853 (July 2022 Census estimates) residents across 6,445 square miles. WPPH serves a high percentage of Native Americans because the Standing Rock Indian Reservation straddles the North and South Dakota border and spans across all of Sioux County.